Saturday, December 21, 2013

Watercooler: The Return of the Mac(s)

Listen, I haven't done show notes in a long time and it's really early right now so I'm keeping this brief. We blabbed about some stuff on this show. A ton of it really. Including a mighty battle between Paul and Allen about the Hobbit: Return of Smaug. Also, Geoff Johns' future at DC, Arrow: Season Two, Hunger Games: Catching Fire, some Marvel and DC comics, the X-Files series from IDW and more. Lots more. Too much...

I hope you enjoyed this warm up for our actual, legitimate return in two weeks with our best-of-2013 round up. Get your letters in NOW for the end of year spectacular to Find us on Twitter @ancillarytweets or at We also have a Tumblr...

Check out this episode!