Well, it's that time again folks: Wednesday! And you know what Wednesday is?... Well, of course you do, you're reading a blog about comics, so you obviously know it's New Comics Day, a.k.a. Paul's favorite weekly holiday! And in celebration of this weekly, well, celebration, Paul is here to give you his favorite book of the week.
Hello everyone! Wow, has it really been two weeks? Alas, it has, but don't worry, I'm back to provide all of the comic-loving goodness that you've become so accustomed too over the last few months. I was out of town last week on the Spring Break with some family doing a whole lot of nothing, but sadly that nothing kept me far away from my comic store, so there was no way for me to read my books and relay my pick to you all. I considered starting up a new column, which is still forthcoming, but as it turned out I was also without an internet connection. Yes, you guessed it: I was out in the hills of Kentucky living off of raw meat and dry vegetables!... Okay, maybe not, but I'm back in the land of Internet connections to give you my favorite book of this week, and I'm excited to reveal that my pick is...
Green Lantern #7 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
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Classic GL Cover |
But at the end of the day I just couldn't give the pick to Batman and Robin. It was a fantastic end to a really great arc (and wow what a last page), but I knew I would have been saying all the same things I said this time last month about issue #6. This week's pick goes to what was, in my opinion, the best single issue coming out by Geoff Johns since the first issue of GL back in September. That may or may not be a gross exaggeration, but the fact stands that this book took me back to some of the fondest days of Johns' continuing run on Green Lantern. Don't get me wrong, this is one of those series coming out of the new 52 that remains consistently buyable, but it just hasn't felt just right for me. That first arc got off to a great start, but I felt like it kind of floundered out in the end (we won't even talk about issue #6). But this issue kicks off what I believe is going to be the next great story that I know Geoff is capable of giving us: one that is on an epic scale in terms of the threat with a deeply rooted mythology, while still managing to remain very character driven.
In order to keep this review as concise as possible, I'm going to break my love for this issue down into two core reasonings. First of all, Geoff Johns has done something with Green Lantern #7 that I believe he must do if he wants to get it out of the rut it's in. Some of you may disagree, but I can't help but feel that this book has basically been in limbo since Blackest Night was ended. Whenever Geoff got on this train starting with GL: Rebirth, he set things in motion that were meant to take him through a series of wide-spanning stories, which continued with the Sinestro Corp War, and I felt that it culminated with Blackest Night. From then on, through Brightest Day (which was incredible boring) even on to the War of the Green Lanterns (which wasn't terrible, but wasn't solely under Johns' hand), the series seems to have hit a stalemate. Seth and I recently discussed on the podcast (which ALL OF YOU should be listening to by now!) whether or not Geoff has finished what he came to do with this series. The obvious answer to me is, yes. He has. He's one of my favorite writers, no doubt about it, but I can't help but feel that he's been here too long and things have become stale.
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Get 'im Hal. Get 'im. |
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Black Hand, you one creepy dude. |
There is some rich story here for the telling, I just know it, and I have a feeling that Geoff has been holding this one off for a reason. I've been waiting for the next "Secret Origin," the next story to be told that jumps off the pages, the one that gets my blood pumping and makes me say "No freaking way!" out loud in the living room, where my wife will undoubtedly laugh and shake her head because I'm talking to a comic book. I want the next great Green Lantern story, the one that'll bring him back from the loss that he faced coming in to the New 52. Johns has shown us time and again that he cares about these characters, and that he cares about his fans. And as one of those avid fans, I have a gut feeling that this will be it: what we've all been looking and waiting for.
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