Another week, another huge stack of comics (and files of digital comics) to read. I couldn't wait to get my pulls from the LCS this week, but once I nabbed my stack, I realized that many of my books are in a strange place right now. I wouldn't say we're in a dull moment, I mean AvX is rapidly approaching its climactic end, and many series are in the middle of an arc (some more enthralling than others), but I found myself a bit disinterested in some of the titles I've been reading over the last couple of weeks. A keen example would be New Avengers by BMB. It's a good title, and it has contained some of the best tie-ins from the event so far, but when I flipped over to it on my iPad, I was a bit nonplussed. It wasn't a bad book, I guess it's just that I'm feeling the longevity of this event in the tie-ins more than anything else. The one book that I immediately lifted to the top of the pile was Scott Snyder's Batman #12, but I'm sad to say it just didn't blow me away. I think I was pulled in by all of the Twitter hype singing its praises, so once I had it behind me I was a bit let down (although the guest art by Becky Cloonan was top notch).
But never fear! There were two books that totally rocked my world this week, but as in Highlander (and the Phoenix Five), "there can be only one." And so, without further whining/yapping/introducing, my pick this week goes to...
Spider-Men #4 by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli

To say that we've seen Marvel and DC play the "alternate universe" card in the past in an understatement, so simply placing Peter in the Ultimate universe alongside Miles Morales wasn't enough to make for something worth paying $3.99 an issue. There needed to be more than Spidey seeing his villains with a new twist, or even the shock of meeting his replacement or the African American Nick Fury. I had a thought going in that this series would be about humor, about Bendis on Spider-Man at his best, and perhaps even about an awesome blow-out battle in a new yet familiar dimension. But I was wrong. This is a story about the heart of the Spider-Man universe.
There are two sides to this coin. The first comes from the perspective of the 616 universe. Adult Peter Parker has been down the road a bit. He's lost loved ones, he's had his heart broken, and he's saved the world more times than he can count. Heck, he even saw all of New York turned into a gigantic island of Spider mutated people. But this world holds things that he doesn't have. One of those things is a living, breathing Gwen. He lost Gwen, and yet here she stands in the flesh. Not only is Gwen alive, but she knows Peter's secret, alongside Aunt May (of course, Aunt May knew before One More Day in the 616, but you get the point). Peter is seeing the parts of his life that couldn't be, or at least hadn't been, in his own world. He sees a New York that mourned the loss of Spider-Man and finally gives him the respect and honor that he deserves. Many of the aspects of life that he always wanted are in place here, in another world.

Issue four makes the whole series worth it all. Bendis and Pichelli make something beautiful here, something that won't be forgotten. And if you haven't been reading it, you're missing out. Go on a Spidey binge, read all kinds from the 616 and Ultimate universes, then go find these issues and read them. I promise, you won't regret it.
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